Social Entrepreneurship hub announces INTENSIVE ONLINE TRAINING ON SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP program to train young people in social entrepreneurship. The program will help young participants who have an innovative idea to bring it to maturity and potentially turn it into a successful social enterprise business, using the knowledge and tools provided.
The Youth Social Entrepreneurship HUB is an Erasmus+ project, that aims to strengthen competencies for social entrepreneurship of the youth workers and young people by developing learning materials and involving them in learning activities. One of the most important results of the project – the platform www.yseh.eu is an interactive method aimed at developing entrepreneurship by applying interdisciplinary knowledge integration and ensuring conditions for deepening the practical skills acquired by youth in training. The goal of this method is to teach business skills development of youth by simulating the processes and activities that occur in a real company and its relationships with other companies and institutions.
• Providing an interactive learning atmosphere to share experiences, lessons learned on social business
• Empowering young people on the ethical values of social economy
• Promoting online tools and instruments needed when starting a social business
• Gaining practical information about how a social enterprise works
• Empowering young people on social entrepreneurship and social economy
• Establishing an effective network on social entrepreneurship
• Developing entrepreneurial and social skills
Basics in Social Entrepreneurship and institutional framework;
What is social enterprise?
Practical initiatives and international stories;
Steps for establishing a Social Enterprise;
From idea to social business;
Project writing and business plan;
Best practices in social entrepreneurship;
How to manage a social enterprise
The training program will be a combination of theoretical and interactive sessions, conducted via the ZOOM platform as a webinar session.
Tuesday 20 & Thursday 22 October 2020
Monday 26 October & Tuesday 3 November 2020
Thursday 5 & Tuesday 10 November 2020
Full attended participants will be awarded a certificate issued by Y-SEH and program partners.
Use the application form if you wish to apply.
Young people living in Italy, Belgium, and Romania interested in developing a social enterprise;
Passionate about social entrepreneurship;
Passionate and responsible to attend the full online training program;
Ability to communicate in English;
Aged between 18–35;
Apply now!